Planning Services

About Our Services

We provide technical advice and plan input/plan review services to our member municipalities on applications made under the Planning Act. This includes review of:

  • Official Plans and Official Plan Amendments
  • Secondary Plans
  • Zoning By-laws and Zoning By-law Amendments
  • Plans of Subdivision
  • Plans of Condominium
  • Consents (severances and lot-line adjustments)
  • Minor Variances
  • Site Plans

We review and comment on various municipal policy documents, strategies, and development applications to make sure that they are consistent with the natural heritage protection and natural hazard policies of the Provincial Policy Statement. We may provide comments based on additional roles and responsibilities as outlined in Conservation Ontario’s Memorandum of Understanding with the Province.

In particular we offer comments based on the following roles and responsibilities:

  1. Watershed Based Resource Management Agency and Public (commenting) Body under the Planning Act – providing comments based on CVC’s Board approved policies.
  2. Planning Advisory Services – providing environmental planning and technical advice/comments based on service agreements or memorandum of understanding.
  3. Delegated Responsibilities – providing comments representing the provincial interest regarding natural hazards (except forest fires) as identified in Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (2020).
  4. Regulatory Responsibilities – providing comments to ensure the coordination of requirements under the Conservation Authorities Act Section 28 regulation, to eliminate unnecessary delay or duplication in process.
  5. Source Protection Agency – providing advisory comments to assist with the implementation of the CTC Source Protection Plan under the Clean Water Act, as applicable.

Through Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), we provide comments to municipalities on how environmental impacts from development can be avoided or reduced. We provide advice on such as natural hazards, natural heritage, water quality and quantity under such arrangements.

Our areas of work, in delivering services, include:

  • Environmental Assessment review
  • Plan input and review
  • Planning Ecology review
  • Engineering Plan review

Environmental Assessment Review

We provide technical clearance on issues related to natural hazards and natural heritage for applications in accordance with the Environmental Assessment Act.

The following policies provide the basis for staff review and comment:

  • CVC’s Watershed Planning and Regulation Policies
  • Provincial Policy Statement
  • Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan
  • Niagara Escarpment Plan
  • Greenbelt Plan
  • Other applicable legislation

Environmental Assessment Review Steps

We provide proponents an initial letter detailing CVC’s areas of interest after reviewing the Notice of Commencement. When applicable, we also provide digital information on natural and hazard features and regulatory limits.

The CVC Environmental Assessment (EA) planner together with appropriate technical staff will review the submission including technical background studies submitted by the proponent, attend the site, and meet with the proponent as required. The EA planner then coordinates review comments and composes a letter detailing CVC’s issues, concerns or recommendations.

After receiving comments, the proponent typically updates the relative studies using CVC comments as input. Proponents may request a meeting to help address comments. Depending on the type of project, the proponent may submit a draft final report for CVC comment. The report outlines the planning process followed and justifies how conclusions were reached.

CVC’s EA planner will review the report and compose a response letter to the proponent listing any outstanding issues, concerns or recommendations. Technical staff may review technical aspects of the report as required.

The proponent files the amended final report with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Park. CVC’s EA planner will review the report to ensure that all CVC comments have been addressed satisfactorily.  If the project is located in a regulated area, then CVC will review design details of the project through our permitting process under Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24.

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